Postural Problems
Posture associated pain is much common now a day. With poor posture your body starts adopting wrong postural habits, it produces muscular imbalance in our body and let that poor posture continue. As posture changes pain and discomfort starts and it worsens gradually. We as physiotherapist work to improve the poor posture by strengthening the weaker muscles and advocating mobility in each and every joints with special postural corrective exercise. Special design corrective exercises will help our clients to cross the postural barrier and open up the normal body alignment; this helps in long term habituate to reduce pain, to improve the stamina & strength, to avoid further body deterioration. With corrective exercises we do use the specific manipulation and mobilization techniques get the early benefits. Few therapeutic electrical modalities like quantum resonance therapies (matrix therapy) gives best and long term effect to correct postural abnormalities.